This paper addresses issues related to health, health care, human resources in the health sector, characteristics of human resources for health, the need to develop a health workforce, analyzing criteria for evaluating human resources for health in terms of both quantity and quality; the position and role of human resources in the health sector, the development of human resources in the health sector under the process of industrialization, modernization and socio-economic development of Vietnam in the current period, achievements and limitations in human resources development in Vietnam's health care sector. In addition, the study also highlights statistics, some works and reports on health, human resources for health, contents of health human resources development; allocation of health human resources, education and training of health human resources in the country and some developed countries such as India, China, and the situation of domestic and international health human resources to draw some recommendations for the development of health human resources in Vietnam afterwards.
Issue: Vol 5 No 2 (2021)
Page No.: 1549-1560
Published: May 19, 2021
Section: Research article
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